Your Presentation
To Speakers/Authors
of papers and Session Chairs:
Please note that all conference rooms will be equipped with:
- a Windows-based
PC with a floppy drive and a CD drive plus a data projector for Power
Point presentations;
- an overhead projector for transparencies;
- a microphone.
make sure that the size of the letters on your .ppt slides (or on transparencies)
is large enough for clear presentation. Also, use graphics,
diagrams, and figures to make your presentation clearer.
The presentation time allocated for full papers is 25 minutes (+5
minutes for Q&A) and 15 minutes for short papers (+5 minutes for Q&A).
Please make sure you respect the time.
The session Chairs are responsible for:
- Ensuring
that the presentation equipment is ready at the time of the session.
- Ensuring that presentations run exactly in the order provided in the
conference program.
- Introducing speakers.
- Controlling time.