for Workshop Papers on Software for the Arabic Language
-- June 25, 2001
Submission Deadline: 30 March 2001
One of the activities of the ACS/IEEE International Conference on Computer
Systems and Applications is to organize a Workshop on natural language
processing, information retrieval, character recognition and their applications
to the Arabic language.
Authors are invited to submit BY E-MAIL an extended abstract not exceeding
four pages (including references) describing RECENT or ON-GOING research
in these areas to the Workshop Chair at:
Prof. Ahmad Nasri (Workshop Chair)
Dept. of Math. & Computer Science,
American University of Beirut,
PO Box 11-0236, Riad El Solh,
Beirut 1107 2020, Lebanon
Email: anasri@aub.edu.lb
The abstract should indicate the contact author, affiliation, and, should
be in ASCII/text format. Accepted abstracts will be compiled in a Workshop's
Report which will be distributed to the workshop's participants.
Submission Deadline: 30 March 2001
Notification of acceptance: 25 April 2001
Formatted extended abstract: 18 May 2001