Lebanese American University

8th Annual AMICAL Meeting & Conference AMICAL

April 27–30, 2011, Lebanon

Support for attendance

Financial assistance for participation in the conference

We are seeking the widest possible attendance at AMICAL 2011 from colleagues who can contribute to and benefit from the conference. Thanks to our grant from the Andrew W. Mellon Foundation, we are able to provide the following types of assistance:

If financial constraints will prevent your institution from sending a team of at least two people, please get in touch with Jeff Gima (jgima@aup.fr) as soon as possible.

Instructions for requesting travel support to attend the conference

For full and affiliate AMICAL members already paying airfare for one of their attendees, AMICAL will reimburse airfare for their second attendee, if requested by the institution. AMICAL will reimburse airfare for their third attendee on request, depending on the availability of funds. Requests should be based on financial need and should be made as early as possible. Additional support may be available in exceptional cases — so please do inquire if you have additional colleagues whose presence would contribute to the success of the conference — but such support will depend on the number and size of requests received from the group.

To request this support, please send all of the following information to Jeff Gima (jgima@aup.fr) by March 13 at the latest:

Note that Mellon–AMICAL travel grants can only cover airfare, not other expenses such as ground transportation, visas, meals, incidentals, etc.

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