Lebanese American University

8th Annual AMICAL Meeting & Conference AMICAL

April 27–30, 2011, Lebanon


The conference will run over the four days of April 27–30:

Days 1 and 2 (Wednesday afternoon and Thursday) will focus on IT–library collaboration, including cross-campus organizational issues, opening with a keynote presentation by Gene Spencer (Gene Spencer Consulting) on the importance of strong library–IT relations at higher education institutions. This year, our conference is scheduled jointly with AAICU, allowing us to further our coordination with the presidents and administrators at our institutions, and Day 2 will offer several joint AMICAL–AAICU events, including a workshop on IT–library cooperation. A joint dinner on Day 2 is being generously sponsored for AMICAL attendees by OCLC.

Day 3 (Friday) opens with a keynote from Sabrina Pape (Director, Vassar College Libraries) to help focus the day’s discussions on managing collections of electronic content and the organizational implications of the shift from print to e-content.

Day 4 (Saturday) will focus on e-content and the user — building collections and using them in teaching and learning. Rick Anderson (Associate Director for Scholarly Resources and Collections, University of Utah) will lead off with a keynote presentation on the future of collection development.

AMICAL members will have a rich variety of opportunities to learn from and share with each other on theme-related topics and other issues of common interest. Every day will include panel discussions, rounds of lightning talks (highly focused 5- to 10-minute presentations), round-table discussions on pre-defined topics, and ad-hoc groups defined in response to the day’s events.

To date, AMICAL member presentations added to the program cover:

If you or your colleagues have research, experiences or projects to share, related to our conference themes or of likely interest to AMICAL members, please contact a member of the conference organizers by February 28, 2011. We are looking in particular for material that could be presented in a 5–10-minute format.

Invited library and IT vendors have been selected to present their recent innovations and services closely related to the conference themes.

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