
“Mental Health in Lebanon: The Great Unknown”

Science Building 608, Byblos campus

 The Department of Social Sciences is organizing a lecture entitled "Mental Health in Lebanon: The Great Unknown."

The lecture will be delivered by Dr. Nelly Nassar, clinical psychologist at the Saint George’s Hospital and professor at the Faculty of Medicine, University of Balamand.

Mental health is an issue that affects all of us in one way or another.
In Lebanon, mental health is somehow the “elephant in the room” due to the taboo and stigma that still surrounds psychological disorders.
There is an impelling need to raise awareness about the prevalence of these disorders as a first step to understand its causes, manifestations, and treatments.
Dr. Nassar will present a broad overview of different psychological disorders and their prevalence in Lebanon and other Arab countries. She will also address some of the current issues facing clinical psychology as a profession in Lebanon.