
International Humanitarian Response & the Response to the Refugee Influx in Germany

Room 507, Zakhem Engineering Building, Byblos campus

The Institute for Social Justice and Conflict Resolution and the Department of Social Sciences are hosting a lecture entitled “International Humanitarian Response & the Response to the Refugee Influx in Germany” by Karl Ammann.

The lecture will focus on principles of humanitarian work in international perspective then will delve into the specific case of Germany’s response to the refugee influx in 2015.

Ammann participated in various task forces coordinating the Caritas Network assistance and dealing with humanitarian emergencies throughout the world. He was a Caritas Network Relief Coordinator in Afghanistan/Pakistan (2001), Eritrea (2002), Iraq (2003), Tsunami India (2004), and Earthquake Pakistan (2005). He is currently participating in some strategic planning assignments in Tajikistan.

The lecture takes place in the framework of Dr. Tamirace Fakhoury’s course “Politics of Developing Areas” (POL 312).