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ACS/IEEE International Conference on Computer Systems and Applications

Picture of Beirut

Lebanese American University
Beirut, Lebanon, June 25-29, 2001

2001 Theme:
Taking Stock of Existing Technology, Charting Future Trends

Call for Papers

Important Dates
• Paper and panel submission deadline: December 10, 2000
• Notification of acceptance: February 28, 2001
• Deadline for camera ready copy and author registration: April 5, 2001

Submit papers to: aiccsa@lau.edu.lb

The ACS/IEEE International Conference on Computer Systems and Applications (AICCSA) is sponsored by the Arab Computer Society (ACS) and IEEE Computer Society - Technical Council on Software Engineering and Technical Committee on Computer Architecture. AICCSA 2001 is a forum for researchers and practitioners to present and discuss recent advances in the field of computer systems and their applications. In 2001, it is co-organized by the Lebanese American University and the American University of Beirut, in cooperation with ACM SIGSOFT, ACM SIGPLAN, ACM SIGART, and Lebanon's National Council for Scientific Research.

Authors are invited to submit papers for inclusion in the conference program and publication in the conference proceedings, which will be published by IEEE-CS Press. In addition to usual research papers, AICCSA 2001 also encourages papers that deliver any combination of the following contributions: a survey of the state of the art; an evaluation of an existing technology; a report on a successful technology transfer initiative; a discussion of future technological trends.

Areas of interest for these contributions include:

 • software engineering,
 • web engineering,
 • database and data engineering,
 • artificial intelligence,
 • distributed computing,
 • programming languages and systems.

Panel submissions are encouraged on the same format, and pertaining to the same themes. AICCSA does not accept papers that have been previously published or are concurrently being submitted for publication in other venues (conferences, journals), and expects authors to obtain all the necessary clearances for publication of their paper. Also, prospective panel session chairs are expected to contact all their prospective panelists and secure their commitment to participate.

Papers will be subject to peer review, and will be accepted based on their originality, significance, and clarity. Panel sessions will also be reviewed by the program committee, and will be selected on the basis of their general interest to the diverse audience of the conference. Papers must not exceed 6,000 words, and panel session proposals must not exceed 2,000 words. Detailed submission instructions will be available on this website.

Accepted papers and panel session proposals will be published in the proceedings. Also, submitted papers that are deemed of good quality but could not be accepted as regular papers will be included in Poster sessions, and will be given token space in the proceedings.

Supporting Organizations


IEEE Computer Society
Technical Council on Software Engineering
Technical Committee on Computer Architecture




Lebanese American University

American University of Beirut

Lebanon's National Council for Scientific Research
West Virginia University
Banque du Liban


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