Calendar of Events


It Is Okay Not to Be Okay: The Importance of Mental Health AwarenessHumanities & Social Sciences | CommunityTalks
LAU Byblos Campus - Fountain Area


من حوار الشعر والميلوديا: مزهرية قصائد ونُصوص وموسيقى لبنانيةPerforming Arts | CommunityPerformances, Screenings, Readings
LAU Beirut Campus - Gulbenkian Theater


5th IEEE Middle East & North Africa COMMunications Conference Breaking Boundaries: Pioneering the Next Era of CommunicationScience, Technology, Engineering, MathematicsConferences & Symposia
LAU Byblos Campus


The 40th ACM Symposium on Applied Computing (SAC 2025)Science, Technology, Engineering, MathematicsConferences & Symposia
Sicily, Italy