Lebanese American University

Research Trends in Food Safety and Security

School of Arts and Sciences
Department of Natural Sciences

Beirut and Byblos, Lebanon
May 3–5, 2011

Sage Hall, Beirut

Science Buidling, Byblos



The health and socio-economic impact of issues around food safety and security continue to be major issues faced by society. Finding solutions requires discussion and debate to build a wide spectrum of interdisciplinary and multilevel joint efforts. The conference will provide a forum for experts in academia, industry and policymakers to present their work, interact and share ideas. Outcomes from this conference will include raising the awareness of policymakers and the general public about the implications of these critical issues.

Keynote speakers


Food Safety Microbiology -- Molecular and Applied Research Topics:


In addition to the above topics posters session will include:


Important dates

  1. Deadline for abstract Submission : April 25, 2011
  2. Notification of acceptance to submitting author: 4 days from the day of submitting the abstract


Word document of approximately 300 words.


On conference sites May 3–5, 2011


Address your abstract and questions to:

Ahmad Kabbani
Email: akabbani@lau.edu.lb
Phone: Office 961-1-867099/786456 Ext 1221; Mobile:961-3-041416
Address: LAU-Beirut Campus, Natural Science Division, PO Box 13-5053, Beirut, Lebanon

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