Lebanese Collegiate Programming Contest
Business Computer Lab, Beirut campus
Universities of Lebanon are invited to participate in the first Lebanese Collegiate Programming Competition through the formation of teams of three students.
Deadline for registration: June 15.
July 2: 3:00 p.m.–7:00 p.m.
July 3: 8:30 a.m.–2:00 p.m.
The event is organized by LAU’s Computer Science and Mathematics Department and supervised by the Association of Computing Machinery–International Collegiate Programming Contest through the direct involvement of Dr. Ziad Najem, the contest director of the Arab region.
The organizing committee includes: Dr. Faisal Abu Khzam (chairperson of committee), LAU–Beirut; Dr. Loai Bazzi, AUB; Dr. Amine Bitar, Balamand University; Dr. Fouad Chedid, Notre Dame University; Dr. Saifeddine Kadry, Lebanese University; Dr. Haidar Harmanani, LAU–Byblos; and Dr. Dani Mezher, Saint Joseph University.
The event is sponsored by Ayna Corporation.
Please visit the http://www.csm.lau.edu.lb/acm/lcpc.html