
Architecture lecture

LRC 21 Auditorium, Beirut campus

A lecture by Stéphanie Dadour related to her research work “Of(f) the Future: Planning, Conception and Fabrication in the 20th Century Western Architecture.”

In Western architecture, the 20th century was rich on the level of the publication of manifestos, of small and big magazines, criticizing and redefining the architectural discipline through numerous debates. At the moment, the capitalist logic is leading to a “profit for profit” system, where “tomorrow” is not regarded anymore as “better than today.” In this sense, what are today’s perceptions of the future and how are we dealing with it?

Stéphanie Dadour:

  • Ph.D. candidate, Ecole Nationale Sup. d’Architecture, Paris-Malaquais (2007)
  • D.E.S.S. Event Design, University of Quebec Montreal (2006)
  • B.S. Interior Design, University of Quebec Montreal (2002)
  • Taught architecture courses at LAU, NDU and LU and University of Montreal.
  • Was president and co-founder of DM lab, artistic director of Surface Libre Gallery and Curator of Pecha Kucha in Beirut.
  • Gained some honors and scholarships, and has several publications.

Event organizer: School of Architecture and Design – Department of Architecture and Interior Design