
Symposium on women’s participation in local governance

April 21 & 23, 2010

Irwin Hall Auditorium, Beirut campus

This is one of two symposiums the Institute for Women’s Studies in the Arab World (IWSAW) at LAU and the National Commission for Lebanese Women are holding about the participation of women in local governance.

It is a part of the national campaign to support the participation of women in local governance, organized by the National Commission for Lebanese Women, in collaboration with the Ministry of Social Affairs and other NGOs. A similar event (with different speakers) is planned on the Byblos campus on April 21. Both events are open to the public.


  • “What candidates should know about the election law, how to run for elections, and the prerogatives of the municipal council” by Dr. Fadia Kiwan, professor at USJ and expert in political participation of women.
  • Short film on the role of women in protecting the environment and in local governance.
  • “Choice of women in participating in municipal work, specifically in protecting natural resources and the environment” by engineer Sana’ Sirwan.
  • “Participation of women in local councils (real-life experiences)” by LAU graduate Ms. Roula Al Ajouz, who is the first woman to make it to the Municipal Council in Beirut.
  • Open discussion