
Horsh Beirut: An Urban Park for People or a Sanctuary for Life?

Business Building, Room 903, Beirut campus

The event is organized by LAU faculty member Mohammad S. Al-Zein and the Introduction to Environmental Science students.


10:40–10:50 a.m.: Welcome and introductory remarks, Mohammad S. Al-Zein, Lebanese American University

10:50–11:10 a.m.: "Horsh al-sanawbar: Beirut’s Green Lung", Zahra Wahid, T.E.R.R.E. Liban

11:10–11:30 a.m.: "The Grass is Always Greener on the Other Side!", Fadi Shayya, DISCURSIVE FORMATIONS

11:30–11:50 a.m.: "Horsh Beirut: A Problem or a Solution?", Mohammad Ayoub, Nahnoo

11:50 a.m.–12:10 p.m.: Discussion