
Gender Research in Iraq: Reality and Expectations

Le Commodore Hotel, Hamra, Beirut

The Institute for Women’s Studies in the Arab World is organizing a roundtable entitled “Gender Research in Iraq: Reality and Expectations”. The event will build on a recently implemented project, “Gender Training for Iraqi Academics & Researchers” that took place in 2012-2013, to discuss the current status of gender research in the Arab world with special focus on Iraq, and to shed light on sources of funding and the importance of networking with regional and international research centers, universities and NGOs.

The roundtable will host Dr. Suad Joseph, Distinguished Professor of Anthropology and Women and Gender Studies at the University of California, Davis, Dr. Samira Atallah, Director of ESCWA Centre for Women, Dr. Hoda El-Sadda, Professor of English and Comparative Literature, Faculty of Arts, Cairo University and head of the Freedoms and Rights Committee in the Constituent Assembly, Egypt, and Dr. Noha Bayoumi, Professor at the Faculty of Arts at the Lebanese University, in addition to researchers from Iraq and Lebanon.

For the program, click here