
Challenges of Transnational Movements and Inclusionary States in the MENA

Irwin Building, 6th floor Irwin B, Beirut campus

The Institute for Social Justice and Conflict Resolution at LAU is organizing a one-day meeting of experts and advocates, as part of a two-year grant by the Carnegie Corporation of New York. The workshop is held in collaboration with George Washington University’s Project on Middle East Political Science (POMEPS). 

The participants will address the following topics: In what ways are the political economic orders of the post-Arab uprising states and societies being organized? What is the role of political and institutional engineering in promoting reconciliation and inclusion in these states? What kind of socio-economic policies promote the participation of marginalized gender, ethnic, sectarian, or tribal groups? And, finally, what has been the impact of armed non-state actors on post-uprisings Arab states?

This is a closed event. 


For the full program click here