“Knowledge Unlocked” School of Engineering (SOE) TeleTech Series - Artificial Intelligence: An Introduction to Learning Human Emotions
Online Via Webex
What is Artificial Intelligence (AI) and how does it work? This talk provides an overview of basic AI concepts, and practical uses of AI in the present and near future. It will discuss AI techniques to process and simulate human emotions such as happiness and sadness, and their applications.
Joe Tekli is an Associate Professor in the ECE Department, School of Engineering, Lebanese American University (LAU). He holds a PhD in Computer Science from the Univ. of Bourgogne (UB), LE2I CNRS, France (2009), awarded with Highest Honors. His research covers XML and semi-structured data; multimedia data semantics, data-mining, and information retrieval, and has more than 50 publications in peer-reviewed international journals and conferences. He is currently serving as the Vice Chair of the ACM SIGAPP French Chapter since 2018, and as a founding member of the United Nations ESCWA Knowledge Hub since fall 2020.
This webinar is part of our free “Knowledge Unlocked” Webinar Series.