
An Overview of Glaucoma Diagnosis and Management

Online via WebEx

The Continuing Medical Education Office at the Lebanese American University invites you to attend the Grand Round presented by:

  • Karim Tomey, MD, Professor of Clinical Medicine 
  • Roland Seif, MD, Clinical Instructor/Clerkship Director of Ophthalmology, Department of Ophthalmology

In this grand round, Drs. Tomey and Seif will discuss the essentials of glaucoma as a major blinding disease worldwide, describing the means of diagnosis, prevention & treatment, and stressing the potentially serious side-effects that can be caused by topical or systemic glaucoma treatment. Emphasis will also be placed on the important role that can be played by the general practitioner, family physician or pediatrician in promoting patient awareness and suspecting glaucoma, based on simple clinical findings, then referral for proper evaluation.

One CME/CPD credit will be offered for attending this Grand Round.

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Event number: 181 889 9493
Event password: E3pbPaSP7C6