Current Approaches to Reducing Pain and Optimizing Palliative Care in Children
LAU Medical Center-Rizk Hospital, Auditorium D & Online

The Department of Pediatrics at the LAU Gilbert and Rose-Marie Chagoury School of Medicine
in collaboration with the Centre Hospitalier Universitaire Vaudois (CHUV), Lausanne
and Children Against Cancer (CHANCE) Association
Invite you to attend the conference
Current Approaches to Reducing Pain and Optimizing Palliative Care in Children
The goal of our conference is to raise awareness among all healthcare providers and stakeholders about the importance of preventing and managing pain in children using the best practices and the most advanced international guidelines.
This conference is designed for all healthcare professionals: pediatricians, emergency room physicians, anesthesiologists, others along with nurses, pharmacists, physical therapists, art therapists, healers, psychiatry and psychology experts, palliative care teams, NGOs, fellows, residents, pharmacy interns and medical students.
The conference is endorsed by the Lebanese Pediatric Society, the Lebanese Society of Anesthesiologists and the Lebanese Society for the Study of Pain.
Applications were made to the Lebanese Orders of Physicians, Nurses and Pharmacists to provide continuing education credits.