Call for Submissions: The 11th Annual Creative Writing Competition-Illness Writing and Health Memoirs

The English Program in the Department of Communication, Arts and Languages invites you to participate in the 11th Creative Writing Competition.
With illness as a concept extending beyond physical ailments to the cultural ills that challenge us – spiritually, emotionally, or psychologically – many varieties of illness, medical as well as cultural, have been reported by life writers. Write a health memoir – a personal narrative (1,000 words) OR a biographical poem (a minimum of 30 lines) – in which you reflect on one aspect of illness, whether physical or cultural, based on a lived incident that affected you. For example, your “ailment” of choice may be framed in relation or to an episode of illness or bereavement and its aftermath, or to the ongoing challenges of daily life, in Lebanon in particular, often resulting in mental health issues and/or somatic illnesses.
Students across LAU can participate. Winners will receive monetary prizes.
Submission deadline: Friday, March 24, 2023
For submissions or queries, please email:
Possible topics include but are not limited to:
- Mental Health
- Bullying
- Body Image
- COVID_19
- Eating Disorders
- Gender and Anxiety
- Bereavement
- Dating
- Claustrophobia
- Plastic Surgery
- Coping Mechanisms
- Relationship with Parents
- Emotional Intelligence
- Coming of Age