Teaching Political Science During Crisis: The ‘Three-C Approach’ and Reflections From Lebanon
LAU Beirut Campus - Nicol Hall 406 & Online via Webex
The LAU School of Arts and Sciences invites you to the seminar
Teaching Political Science During Crisis: The ‘Three-C Approach’ and Reflections From Lebanon
as part of its Research Seminar Series
About the speaker
Dr. Jeffrey G. Karam
Assistant Professor of Political Science
About the event
This research seminar draws on published research and forthcoming work that argues for using what is called the ‘three-C approach’ to reestablish pedagogical normalcy during times of crisis. It discusses various strategies to mitigate disruptions to traditional pedagogical methods and to enhance faculty-student interactions in new learning environments. Likewise, it explores modified assessment models and learning modules to highlight the many benefits of the ‘three-C approach.’