
Leading the AI Disruptive Innovation: Unlocking Opportunities and Economic Benefits [Canceled]

Adnan Kassar School of Business 903, Beirut campus

This event has been canceled.

The President’s Circle is hosting a talk by seasoned technology strategist Rudy Shoushany. Delve into the fascinating world of AI and its transformative potential, and explore how AI is reshaping industries, economies, and our daily lives, making it imperative for everyone to understand and get involved in this disruptive innovation.

The presentation will provide insights into:

  • The AI revolution and its pervasive impact on various sectors, from healthcare to finance, manufacturing to entertainment.
  • The disruption it is creating on traditional business models, leading to increased efficiency, cost savings, and innovation.
  • Its economic benefits, and the increased productivity, job creation, and market growth driven by AI.
  • The career opportunities that AI offers, from research and development to entrepreneurship and consulting.
  • The role of education to engage through educational initiatives, courses, and research projects.

Shoushany has over 23 years of experience in the technology field, assisting organizations to innovate and transform. An award-winning technology strategist, he is specialized in digital governance, blockchain, and cybersecurity with a focus on digital transformation. A member of Forbes Technology Council, he is the founder of DxTalks and CryptoTalks, the Digital Leaders Platform, and BCCManagement digital transformation consultancy.