LAU Synopsys Microelectronics Olympiad
LAU Beirut campus, AKSOB 903

The LAU School of Engineering will be hosting, for the first time in Lebanon, the first stage of an international microelectronics competition that is organized annually by Synopsys.
The competition consists of a 1-hour written exam. All university students in Lebanon under the age of 30 years are eligible to participate.
The Olympiad is a competition held in two stages:
- The first stage, to be held for the first time this year in Lebanon on Friday May 31 at the Beirut campus of the Lebanese American University, consists of a written exam that tests your knowledge in various topics (Digital IC Design and Test, Analog and Mixed Signal IC Design and Test, Semiconductor Devices and Technology, Mathematics and Algorithms used in EDA).
- The winner of the first stage will then be sponsored by Synopsys to represent Lebanon in the second international stage of the competition that will be held at Synopsys Armenia.
- Furthermore, the top three performers in the first stage will receive valuable cash prizes and potential internship/job opportunities.
Don’t miss this great opportunity to represent your university and country! Please register by Friday, May 17 using the following link to confirm your participation in the first stage.