LAU Calendar of Events

Students Events

What are the factors that caused the Lebanese Economic Collapse?

CHSC Auditorium

The activity consists of a case study where students will be presenting the factors that caused the Lebanese economic collapse according to their studies and research on the topic. The person who gives the best answer will receive a winner’s certificate, while other students are going to receive a participation certificate. For that matter, there will be a Jury (formed by LAU doctors) to evaluate the answers and decide who the winners are.
Here are some points (factors) that you can base on to elaborate yours. You can develop or elaborate more those points and you are free to bring any other point/factor of your choice that you see it is related to the cause of the Economic Collapse in Lebanon.
  • Fiscal and Monetary Policies & the Size of the Government (budget deficit & corruption; financial engineering, pegged exchange rate)
  • Balance of Payments (BOP)
  • Loss of confidence in the economic and financial systems (Sovereign Debt Default)
  • Loss of confidence in the political institutions (Political Instability)
  • Political Economy Context (Embedded interests between politicians and bankers-traders)

    Anyone can join!